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About hyperlinks

A hyperlink is a pointer from one object to another. The destination is frequently another Web page, but it can also be a picture, an e-mail address, a file (such as a multimedia file or Microsoft Office document), or a program. The hyperlink itself can be displayed as text or as a picture.

You can use hyperlinks to do the following:

When you point to text or a picture that contains a hyperlink, the pointer becomes a hand Pointer in the shape of a hand, indicating that it is something you can click. When a site visitor clicks the hyperlink, the destination is displayed, opened, or run, depending on the type of destination. For example, a hyperlink to a sound file opens the file in a media player, and a hyperlink to a Web page displays the page in a Web browser.

ShowParts of a hyperlink address

ShowHyperlink subaddress syntax

ShowExamples of hyperlink addresses